Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Японы Ази, Номхон далайн бүсийн тогтвортой хөгжлийн сангийн санхүүжилтээр НЗДТГ-аас хэрэгжүүлж буй “Гэр хорооллын нийтийн тээврийн үйлчилгээг сайжруулах төсөл”-д дараах ажлын байрны сонгон шалгаруулалтыг нээлттэй зарлаж байна. Иймд та бүхэн ажлын зартай танилцан, шаардлага хангасан иргэд материалаа ирүүлнэ үү.  


(Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas Project)

 “IMPROVING TRANSPORT SERVICES IN GER AREA PROJECT” is seeking a professional for the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

Mongolia has rapid urbanization since its transition to a market-based economy in 1991. The population of Ulaanbaatar has grown from 794.730 to 1.52 million in 2019. Growth has been a result of in-country migration from countryside to city which is created unplanned ger-areas that extend around Ulaanbaatar. 60% of the population Ulaanbaatar are living in ger district.

The ger district are low-density, low-income households. Many plots cannot be reached by municipal service; most roads are unpaved, and infrastructure is poor or nonexistent. Even some roads do not have elements such as sign, signals, speed bump, pedestrian crossing and so on.     

To improve transport service in ger district, the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar is implementing Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas Project in cooperation with Asian Development Bank and Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and Pacific. The selected corridor is 5.1 kilometers along the 17th and 18th khoroo of Chingeltei district. This corridor was selected in coordination with the Public Transport Service Department and the Governor’s office of Capital City in line with the Ulaanbaatar City Masterplan, due to the prevalence of persons with disabilities using public transportation in the area, complex train, road safety issues particularly for children, high public transport ridership, its vicinity to the Chingeltei subcenter development under Ulaanbaatar urban service.

Duties and responsibilities: The monitoring and evaluation specialist will have the following duties:

  1. Work collaboratively with the ITSGAP Coordinator, ADB Counterpart to implement, and manage an M&E system for the ITSGAP in keeping with the Implementation Design Document.
  2. Develop and implement a M&E Plan for the Program (under the direction of the ITSGAP Coordinator) that ensures 2-way information flow and pro-actively informs management team and stakeholders. The plan should include all information necessary to document progress against the project’s Design and Monitoring Framework, Social Development and Gender Action plan, and other indicators included in the Project Administration Manual.
  3. Organize the necessary data collection activities and manage surveys, if there is any, and ensure information is compiled into a database, quality checked and shared using the most appropriate means.
  4. Liaise with consultants on the attached Technical Assistance, the community council, EA, IA and all key stakeholders.
  5. Provide information and necessary reports related to the end of the project, including preparation of the drat Grant Completion Report working alongside the Project Coordinator, which will be submitted to ADB.
  6. Assist the Project Coordinator by issuing audit control reports on all aspects of project management.
  7. Provide inputs to the project completion report especially the project evaluation. The evaluation should be based on the assessments of: (i) relevance, (ii) effectiveness, (iii) efficiency, and (iv) sustainability.
  8. Any other duties as assigned by Project Coordinator.

Essential requirements:

  • Tertiary qualifications are essential, preferably in the areas of monitoring, and evaluation, results measurement, information management, and MIS.
  • Minimum 5 years' experience working in monitoring and evaluation role of development aid initiatives and/or development projects;
  • Demonstrated capacity to work collegially and creatively within a team and with partners;
  • Experience in Bilateral/Multilateral and - preferably -ADB funded projects;
  • Excellent inter-personal skills, with experience working in cross cultural settings;
  • Excellent skills in succinct and timely report preparation.
  • High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).


Interested candidate should submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian language:

  1. Cover letter explaining the reasons for applying to the position, describing how the candidate’s qualification, skills and work experiences meet the selection criteria;
  2. Curriculum Vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian;
  3. Recent photo taken within last 6 months;
  4. Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
  5. Proof of English language proficiency;
  6. Any other relevant supporting documents.

Deadline: All documents should be enclosed in a sealed envelope that indicates the applied position, and the candidate should submit the following documents before 16 PM, 8 December 2023.

Municipality of Ulaanbaatar

Attention to: Ms. M. Amarjargal

Specialist for Development Projects and Programs

Office #207b, The Capital City Governor’s Office

Sukhbaatar square 6, 1st khoroo, Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia

Tel: 976-11-327190 , +976 99176428

Mail: amarjargal.m@ulaanbaatar.mn

Please note that the submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Японы Ази, Номхон далайн бүсийн тогтвортой хөгжлийн сангийн санхүүжилтээр НЗДТГ-аас хэрэгжүүлж буй “Гэр хорооллын нийтийн тээврийн үйлчилгээг сайжруулах төсөл”-д дараах ажлын байрны сонгон шалгаруулалтыг нээлттэй зарлаж байна. Иймд та бүхэн ажлын зартай танилцан, шаардлага хангасан иргэд материалаа ирүүлнэ үү.  


(Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas Project)

 “IMPROVING TRANSPORT SERVICES IN GER AREA PROJECT” is seeking a professional for the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

Mongolia has rapid urbanization since its transition to a market-based economy in 1991. The population of Ulaanbaatar has grown from 794.730 to 1.52 million in 2019. Growth has been a result of in-country migration from countryside to city which is created unplanned ger-areas that extend around Ulaanbaatar. 60% of the population Ulaanbaatar are living in ger district.

The ger district are low-density, low-income households. Many plots cannot be reached by municipal service; most roads are unpaved, and infrastructure is poor or nonexistent. Even some roads do not have elements such as sign, signals, speed bump, pedestrian crossing and so on.     

To improve transport service in ger district, the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar is implementing Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas Project in cooperation with Asian Development Bank and Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and Pacific. The selected corridor is 5.1 kilometers along the 17th and 18th khoroo of Chingeltei district. This corridor was selected in coordination with the Public Transport Service Department and the Governor’s office of Capital City in line with the Ulaanbaatar City Masterplan, due to the prevalence of persons with disabilities using public transportation in the area, complex train, road safety issues particularly for children, high public transport ridership, its vicinity to the Chingeltei subcenter development under Ulaanbaatar urban service.

Duties and responsibilities: The monitoring and evaluation specialist will have the following duties:

  1. Work collaboratively with the ITSGAP Coordinator, ADB Counterpart to implement, and manage an M&E system for the ITSGAP in keeping with the Implementation Design Document.
  2. Develop and implement a M&E Plan for the Program (under the direction of the ITSGAP Coordinator) that ensures 2-way information flow and pro-actively informs management team and stakeholders. The plan should include all information necessary to document progress against the project’s Design and Monitoring Framework, Social Development and Gender Action plan, and other indicators included in the Project Administration Manual.
  3. Organize the necessary data collection activities and manage surveys, if there is any, and ensure information is compiled into a database, quality checked and shared using the most appropriate means.
  4. Liaise with consultants on the attached Technical Assistance, the community council, EA, IA and all key stakeholders.
  5. Provide information and necessary reports related to the end of the project, including preparation of the drat Grant Completion Report working alongside the Project Coordinator, which will be submitted to ADB.
  6. Assist the Project Coordinator by issuing audit control reports on all aspects of project management.
  7. Provide inputs to the project completion report especially the project evaluation. The evaluation should be based on the assessments of: (i) relevance, (ii) effectiveness, (iii) efficiency, and (iv) sustainability.
  8. Any other duties as assigned by Project Coordinator.

Essential requirements:

  • Tertiary qualifications are essential, preferably in the areas of monitoring, and evaluation, results measurement, information management, and MIS.
  • Minimum 5 years' experience working in monitoring and evaluation role of development aid initiatives and/or development projects;
  • Demonstrated capacity to work collegially and creatively within a team and with partners;
  • Experience in Bilateral/Multilateral and - preferably -ADB funded projects;
  • Excellent inter-personal skills, with experience working in cross cultural settings;
  • Excellent skills in succinct and timely report preparation.
  • High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).


Interested candidate should submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian language:

  1. Cover letter explaining the reasons for applying to the position, describing how the candidate’s qualification, skills and work experiences meet the selection criteria;
  2. Curriculum Vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian;
  3. Recent photo taken within last 6 months;
  4. Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
  5. Proof of English language proficiency;
  6. Any other relevant supporting documents.

Deadline: All documents should be enclosed in a sealed envelope that indicates the applied position, and the candidate should submit the following documents before 16 PM, 8 December 2023.

Municipality of Ulaanbaatar

Attention to: Ms. M. Amarjargal

Specialist for Development Projects and Programs

Office #207b, The Capital City Governor’s Office

Sukhbaatar square 6, 1st khoroo, Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia

Tel: 976-11-327190 , +976 99176428

Mail: amarjargal.m@ulaanbaatar.mn

Please note that the submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

#Азийн хөгжлийн банк, #НЗДТГ, #“Гэр хорооллын нийтийн тээврийн үйлчилгээг сайжруулах төсөл”,